Shard Amphora No. 10, 2022
Ceramic Shards, Epoxy
16 x 10 x 9 inches
Michal Fargo • Susan Metrican • Chase Travaille
October 7 - November 13, 2022
Chase Travaille: Shard Amphora No. 10
I consider my work to be performance artifacts. Objects that are extensions of the body that serve as evidence of a muddy history. Which, for myself as the maker, allows me to recognize, and acknowledge an action, or an emotion that is felt, and then transmute that into something that can be placed physically into space and critically accessed. Being a product of a culture of honor, I create sculptures that are indicative of Southern Gothic literature. Dark humor, transgressive thoughts and desires are articulated in works that invite a dialogue concerning sexuality, social class, and material impossibility.